Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Great article!
Here is an excerpt:

“Are you saying that the Catholics are also unwelcome in Chicago because they don’t have Chicago values? That evangelicals aren’t welcome? That Muslims aren’t welcome? That Orthodox Jewish people are not welcome?
“That other persons who have religious beliefs that marriage is between a man and a woman don’t have Chicago values and therefore they are excluded from your community? Do you intend to discriminate against persons of faith? Do you intend to marginalize them? Are you becoming, in your view, intolerant of persons of religious faith?
Wood believes these are all important questions for the public square. As he sees it, the push to characterize anyone who has convictions about personal marriage as bigoted is itself bigotry on display."


CA State Fair

I thought for sure I wasn't going to be able to go to the fair this year, but on the last day it was running I got to go with Tycee and her son, Peyton! And walking up to the ticket booth, a man handed us free tickets! Even though we only made it about 2 hours because of the heat and working out earlier that day, it was really fun. Here are some pics :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Religion Aside

This is what we all looked like at 12 weeks in the womb.
Legal to kill in all 50 states.
If you still think it's just a "fetus" and not a baby, you're in denial. 

“He who denies that human life begins with conception does not need to contend with religion, but science. To deny this certainty of biology is not to express a lack of faith, but a lack of basic knowledge of human genetics, something that is even known by the general public.” 
- Ecuadorian Federation of Societies of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just Because

So I'm going to update this just for the sake of updating it!

Hmm let's see.. I haven't seen Marc all week and miss him a LOT! I'm looking forward to spending time with him and his family in Stockton this weekend.

I'm finally able to put my contact in the first time! It usually was about a 20 minute struggle.. I only use one for my right eye for astigmatism. But now I'm used to it, and it's so nice not dealing with that awful headache every day!

I think I'm in danger of becoming more addicted to Instagram than I am to facebook @_@ You can follow me at "riajewel"!

I'm excited to celebrate Kara's birthday in San Francisco watching the Giants game next Wednesday! Should be fun :) I've missed San Francisco so much..

I'm kind of getting tired of doctors.. I have appointments with two specialists next week *sigh* but on the bright side, at least I'm finally taking care of things. That's mainly because of Marc noticing things I deal with on a daily basis and telling me to go take care of myself! He's such an amazing support. He doesn't make me feel silly and over dramatic on my bad days, but rather validates me and has compassion for what I'm going through. It's nice to have someone care that much about you.. I seriously HATE it when people fuss over me, health-wise. I'm the type that wants to put on a strong face and not let on that anything is wrong. But when it comes to Marc, I realized I had something in me deep down that longed to be taken care of by a man. It's definitely new for me, and I will never take that for granted!

I've finally started going to the gym with Tycee! Going again tomorrow.. It's painful, but I'm looking ahead towards the pay off! I really need to drop at least 10 pounds, hopefully 15. It's nice to have someone to work out with to keep me motivated!

Aannnnddd I think that's it for now :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Duna Duna Duna Duna BATMAN!

     So Marc and I went on a double date last weekend and finally saw the new Batman movie. Even though it was completely irrational, I was kind of on edge in light of the Colorado shooting.. I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be one of the victims and trying to guess which part he came in on. I couldn't even imagine it without feeling sick to my stomach. Definitely keep the victims and their families in your prayers. James Holmes will receive his justice in this life or the next. Honestly, if he of all people doesn't get the death penalty, Colorado should do away with that law. If he doesn't deserve it, what must a person do in order to warrant that? I know this viewpoint is very unpopular, but I believe that if you live by the sword, you die by it. Yes, there is forgiveness for those who truly repent, but that doesn't mean you no longer pay the consequences. Capital punishment isn't retribution or even vengeance, it's justice. For example, the idea of a cold and calculated serial killer being allowed to live out a long life even in prison sickens me. That's not justice, that's a mockery to our judicial system and disrespect to victims and their families.
ANYWAY, back to the movie.

     Apart from some sorely cheesy lines, it was one of the best if not best superhero movies I've seen to date. It was surprisingly clean and had great action sequences. I loved the theme of redemption as well. Particularly, I was so enamored by the simple motif in the score that showed up throughout the whole movie. It sounded like my favorite movie composer, Hans Zimmer, but I wasn't sure. Sure enough, it was! He has been criticized for repeating lines over and over, but I think it's brilliant. It's like a character that shows it's face in strategic moments, reinforcing underlying themes and emotions. Sometimes, too complicated of a melodic line isn't appropriate. For this movie, Hans did it right by keeping it simple, haunting, and profound.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Is our Prayer Life Meant for Facebook?

I have been wrestling with this for a while now.. I definitely welcome anyone's thoughts on this as well. I enjoy a good challenging/uplifting quote or verse out of someone's devotions just like the next person.. But what has rubbed me wrong is when people tell the world in their status that they're praying/having "Jesus time"/etc. From their perspective, maybe they're trying to motivate others to have their alone time with Jesus by being an example. I can even understand posting a prayer for others to use in their own devotions. But I can't help but wonder about motives when someone says they are praying in their status. It's as if someone walked into their prayer closet that has a PA system hooked up in it, and they yelled "I'm praying now!" for everyone to hear. I have my own devotions/prayer with God, but I don't broadcast it to the world. To me it sounds like "Look at me! I want people to see how spiritual I am and pat me on the back." It's as if getting "likes" on your status is getting praise from others for your prayer life, when that is furthest from what we are told to do in Scripture.

Matthew 6:1-8 says:

1"Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
5"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

In light of this passage, can we really justify telling the world that we're "having alone time with Jesus"? Doesn't that then make it public time with Jesus? Just food for thought...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Audrey Assad - Show Me (Slideshow With Lyrics)

I'm singing this for the offertory this Sunday. The lyrics are so profound. I can only hope to do it justice. Her voice is gorgeous!

I Always Make Time for my Girls

Even with my insanely busy schedule, I always  make time for my friends, especially my girls! As mentioned before, my circle of friends has narrowed and deepened rather than how it was, wide and shallow. And I'm so much happier because of it!

This past Sunday, I drove to El Sobrante for the beginnings of Shelly's wedding festivities! She's my sister-in-love (my brother married her sister). We had a Mary Kay party for the bridesmaids.

 Before Picture

 Before Picture

 After! My foundation was a tad too light, but I loved all the products!
(but my checking account didn't haha)

And I caught up with my friend, Brittany, who I practically grew up with. So happy for her and her to-be hubby! :)