Friday, June 3, 2016

New Blog!

I'm not sure who still checks this, but for anyone who is curious I have created a new blog @

I feel like it's time to write again and put myself out there as a step of faith. My hope is that it is an encouragement to you!

Grace & Peace
Maria Edwards

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

See Ya Later

I say "see ya later" because I hate "good bye". I've had this blog since 2009, and it's been a wonderful growing experience. I was so humbled to see how many people view my blog monthly from all over the world. I've been so transparent with complete strangers, and it was terrifying sometimes. The desire to be known kept driving me to delve deeper and share my inner most thoughts, cares, dreams, heartbreaks, triumphs, and failures. I've shared my song writing, my heart, and my journey.

I feel the need for a new beginning and a new season. I've entered into a new season in every aspect of my life. As I look back on my past blogs, I am reminded with my past and don't even recognize her anymore. I'm grateful for her experiences and the pain she walked through, but she is a complete 180 of the woman I've become.

I love to write and share my life with others, but I feel I need to pick that up again in another blogging format with a fresh start. When I do, I'll make sure to post the link here for those who want to continue to follow my journey.

My blogging started with a picture of a butterfly because I knew that's what I was on the journey to becoming. When I started in 2009, I was in an abusive relationship, in a dark cocoon, unaware of my worth or my potential. And since then, through years of counseling and self discovery (and a lot of prayer and the grace of God), I've emerged as that woman I knew was in there. She just needed to be on the threshing floor for a while... I walked through fire and emerged a completely different Maria. And my next blog will represent just that...a new creation in Him.

I pray blessings over whoever is reading this, and I pray God grants you the desires of your heart as you surrender your will and life to Him.

Peace and Grace
Maria Edwards

Monday, August 24, 2015

Wedding Teasers

It was always you

Honeymoon Bliss!

Our honeymoon in Kona was filled with adventure, rest, love, making new friends, exploring new beaches and snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, renting a scooter (there was no helmet law), looking at the volcano and venturing 14000 feet high to see just how gorgeous the stars really are. We made memories we'll cherish forever! I love every minute of discovering this beautiful man God has blessed me with. Life is good!