Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Always Make Time for my Girls

Even with my insanely busy schedule, I always  make time for my friends, especially my girls! As mentioned before, my circle of friends has narrowed and deepened rather than how it was, wide and shallow. And I'm so much happier because of it!

This past Sunday, I drove to El Sobrante for the beginnings of Shelly's wedding festivities! She's my sister-in-love (my brother married her sister). We had a Mary Kay party for the bridesmaids.

 Before Picture

 Before Picture

 After! My foundation was a tad too light, but I loved all the products!
(but my checking account didn't haha)

And I caught up with my friend, Brittany, who I practically grew up with. So happy for her and her to-be hubby! :)

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