Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Duna Duna Duna Duna BATMAN!

     So Marc and I went on a double date last weekend and finally saw the new Batman movie. Even though it was completely irrational, I was kind of on edge in light of the Colorado shooting.. I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be one of the victims and trying to guess which part he came in on. I couldn't even imagine it without feeling sick to my stomach. Definitely keep the victims and their families in your prayers. James Holmes will receive his justice in this life or the next. Honestly, if he of all people doesn't get the death penalty, Colorado should do away with that law. If he doesn't deserve it, what must a person do in order to warrant that? I know this viewpoint is very unpopular, but I believe that if you live by the sword, you die by it. Yes, there is forgiveness for those who truly repent, but that doesn't mean you no longer pay the consequences. Capital punishment isn't retribution or even vengeance, it's justice. For example, the idea of a cold and calculated serial killer being allowed to live out a long life even in prison sickens me. That's not justice, that's a mockery to our judicial system and disrespect to victims and their families.
ANYWAY, back to the movie.

     Apart from some sorely cheesy lines, it was one of the best if not best superhero movies I've seen to date. It was surprisingly clean and had great action sequences. I loved the theme of redemption as well. Particularly, I was so enamored by the simple motif in the score that showed up throughout the whole movie. It sounded like my favorite movie composer, Hans Zimmer, but I wasn't sure. Sure enough, it was! He has been criticized for repeating lines over and over, but I think it's brilliant. It's like a character that shows it's face in strategic moments, reinforcing underlying themes and emotions. Sometimes, too complicated of a melodic line isn't appropriate. For this movie, Hans did it right by keeping it simple, haunting, and profound.

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