Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Of Cries and Goodbyes
1 shirt left in a glove box for 8 months
2 songs that bled out of me..
I had been ready to let go for so long but just kept putting it off..
When finally something very traumatic happened, yet I was suddenly filled with a new courage and strength and just started driving towards Cameron Park.
I had no clue where I was going.. The pathetic zip lock bag that represented "our relationship" was at my side and I was growing more and more frustrated by the minute as I aimlessly drove through the hills of that stupid town looking for a specific park. I had no clue what it was called or where it was. All I knew was it had geese, a lake, and a dirt path that led to picnic tables.. We had such a beautifully sad walk there right before it ended and I knew that's where I had to let go.
It was drizzling and I started to cry trying to see through the windshield. I cried outloud to God "you're going to have to show me where this place is because I'm not coming back! I need this closure today; please help me." And within minutes I saw the lake through the trees to my right and drove straight into the park. I sat in the parking lot in shock at how quickly God led me there. He only knew how much I needed this..
I took my time walking down the path with my little zip lock bag.. The cold was biting through my clothes and my nose was bright red. But I didn't care.. my jaw was set and I had been preparing for this for a long time. I finally chose a spot to leave it and when I walked away I left it all behind.
My past is my past.. It does not define me but it did help me become stronger. No more being haunted by the "what ifs" and video clips that play in my head. I'm ready for a new season, full of joy and harvest instead of a wasteland of sorrow and regret.
"I'm always dragging that horse around.
And our love is pastured such a mournful sound.
I had been ready to let go for so long but just kept putting it off..
When finally something very traumatic happened, yet I was suddenly filled with a new courage and strength and just started driving towards Cameron Park.
I had no clue where I was going.. The pathetic zip lock bag that represented "our relationship" was at my side and I was growing more and more frustrated by the minute as I aimlessly drove through the hills of that stupid town looking for a specific park. I had no clue what it was called or where it was. All I knew was it had geese, a lake, and a dirt path that led to picnic tables.. We had such a beautifully sad walk there right before it ended and I knew that's where I had to let go.
It was drizzling and I started to cry trying to see through the windshield. I cried outloud to God "you're going to have to show me where this place is because I'm not coming back! I need this closure today; please help me." And within minutes I saw the lake through the trees to my right and drove straight into the park. I sat in the parking lot in shock at how quickly God led me there. He only knew how much I needed this..
I took my time walking down the path with my little zip lock bag.. The cold was biting through my clothes and my nose was bright red. But I didn't care.. my jaw was set and I had been preparing for this for a long time. I finally chose a spot to leave it and when I walked away I left it all behind.
My past is my past.. It does not define me but it did help me become stronger. No more being haunted by the "what ifs" and video clips that play in my head. I'm ready for a new season, full of joy and harvest instead of a wasteland of sorrow and regret.
"I'm always dragging that horse around.
And our love is pastured such a mournful sound.
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground...."
"....but it's always darkest before the dawn."
Shake it Out - Florence + the Machine
"....but it's always darkest before the dawn."
Shake it Out - Florence + the Machine

And there it was left, to be picked up by some random stranger, washed away by the rain, or thrown in the trash. Either way it's gone, never to be my burden again.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Mental Exercise
As I was trying to fall asleep the other night, I gave myself a mental exercise.. sort of like a challenge. Although I feel like the Holy Spirit gave me this idea to show me a point.
The challenge was to sum up how I felt about myself after each relationship I've had in only one word.. and this is what I came up with:
'06 - Ashamed
'07 - Inadequate
'08-'10 - Used
'11 - Worthless
It really put things into perspective for me... set aside all the good that existed within those relationships, the outcomes within myself took years to recover from in terms of my self image and who I really was. When I believed those things about myself, I acted a certain way.. they shaped much of my decision making. That's why it's so important to not let anyone make you lose sight of who you are and Whose you are.
The cycle has been broken and one day I'm ready to feel treasured, cherished, loved, empowered, and respected by my future husband. Until then, and of course after, He is my first love and waits for me..
removing my shame by lifting up my head
The cycle has been broken and one day I'm ready to feel treasured, cherished, loved, empowered, and respected by my future husband. Until then, and of course after, He is my first love and waits for me..
removing my shame by lifting up my head
replacing my inadequacy with anointing power
lavishing me with love until I'm overflowing
and removing all doubt of my self worth
I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine..
Change for the Best
Fall really is about change isn't it?
I have been losing friends left and right.. and honestly it's rather effortlessly. It wasn't a choice of my own, but just happened. Each situation has been different.. I lost one friend that I've known for 10 years, the other for 6 years, the other for 15 years, and this most recent one I've known since middle school. Sometimes I think I'm ok, realizing how I'm not constantly drained by these people or how it was probably a good thing that we parted ways.. but then sometimes the pain catches up with me and I start reminiscing about all the good times we've had..
But the truth of the matter is.. Just like in a relationship, people change with time. And sometimes you don't change or grow in the same direction as the other person and naturally drift apart, no longer seeing eye to eye. What's important to them is not what's important to you anymore. I guess it's called growing up :/ Some friendships truly are just for a season, and that's ok.. Because God has placed new people in my life, and rekindled flames of old friendships as well.
The word "pruning" keeps coming to mind.. He's definitely been pruning people out of my life that are total drains to me, have a negative influence, are distractions, or are just plain selfish people who don't have my best interest at heart. And no matter who they were in the past, that's not who they are now. It's time to say goodbye and to move forward..
So dear friends who have left my side and parted ways.. I do not hate you. I do not resent you. But rather, I thank you and wish you the best in life, that one day you find what you're looking for and find peace with God and yourselves.
But the truth of the matter is.. Just like in a relationship, people change with time. And sometimes you don't change or grow in the same direction as the other person and naturally drift apart, no longer seeing eye to eye. What's important to them is not what's important to you anymore. I guess it's called growing up :/ Some friendships truly are just for a season, and that's ok.. Because God has placed new people in my life, and rekindled flames of old friendships as well.
The word "pruning" keeps coming to mind.. He's definitely been pruning people out of my life that are total drains to me, have a negative influence, are distractions, or are just plain selfish people who don't have my best interest at heart. And no matter who they were in the past, that's not who they are now. It's time to say goodbye and to move forward..
So dear friends who have left my side and parted ways.. I do not hate you. I do not resent you. But rather, I thank you and wish you the best in life, that one day you find what you're looking for and find peace with God and yourselves.
We Came As Romans - Broken Statues
Show me your hands; let me wash them clean
Show me your heart, and let me heal you
Show me your heart, and let me heal you
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I should have died. I've had many "close calls" before... where I should have been injured. But never a near death experience before.. ever.
I was on a two lane highway between Lincoln and Wheatland at night. Everyone was going about 65mph. I was the ONLY one in my lane that I had seen for about 10 miles and the lane going the opposite direction was pretty busy. Every car was at least 3 car lengths away from the next. As I was driving along, I saw a car on my side of the road up ahead with his left turn signal on trying to find an opening. He must have been only looking to the right, assuming my lane was empty, because he raced out not even 20 feet in front of me.
At that moment, I didn't even have enough time to think. Instinct took over.. The other driver froze with fear in the middle of the road (because no one let him in the other lane) as I raced toward him, probably thinking he was about to die. I would have bashed into his driver side going at least 65mph. I swerved left into the oncoming traffic, not even thinking going right (into a ditch) was an option. The first car flew out of my way and off the road, and as I was about to collide head on with the next car I braced myself for impact, my wheel turned harsh right back into my lane barely missing the car that was still horizontal in the road. All of this happened in a matter of a few seconds but time seemed to slow down..
I opened my eyes, looked in my rear mirror, still not breathing. I looked straight ahead in shock, still not sure how I made it back in my lane unscathed. Then I had an utter mental and emotional breakdown and LOST. IT. I was on my way to a meeting, so I had to pull myself together fairly quickly. I was shaking from all the adrenaline and so many things were racing through my mind...Besides the obvious ("I just almost killed someone!" "I just almost died!" so forth and so on)..
The people that came to mind were my family and close friends.. and also people from my past. I found myself remembering the last things I've said to them or that they've said to me. There's so many things I still wanted to say.. embraces I wanted to make. And I thought about people who've hurt me so much.. and wondered how they'd feel upon realizing that was the last thing they'd be able to say to me as well. What's interesting is I didn't even care about my "bucket list".. it was all about relationships.
All I know is tonight made me think really hard about what's important and what's just plain trivial. Every word I say to someone has so much more weight somehow.. because I may not see them again or they may not see me again.
I thank God for sparing me and everyone involved. It could have been so much worse...
Psalm 68:20 "God is a God of deliverance; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death."
At that moment, I didn't even have enough time to think. Instinct took over.. The other driver froze with fear in the middle of the road (because no one let him in the other lane) as I raced toward him, probably thinking he was about to die. I would have bashed into his driver side going at least 65mph. I swerved left into the oncoming traffic, not even thinking going right (into a ditch) was an option. The first car flew out of my way and off the road, and as I was about to collide head on with the next car I braced myself for impact, my wheel turned harsh right back into my lane barely missing the car that was still horizontal in the road. All of this happened in a matter of a few seconds but time seemed to slow down..
I opened my eyes, looked in my rear mirror, still not breathing. I looked straight ahead in shock, still not sure how I made it back in my lane unscathed. Then I had an utter mental and emotional breakdown and LOST. IT. I was on my way to a meeting, so I had to pull myself together fairly quickly. I was shaking from all the adrenaline and so many things were racing through my mind...Besides the obvious ("I just almost killed someone!" "I just almost died!" so forth and so on)..
The people that came to mind were my family and close friends.. and also people from my past. I found myself remembering the last things I've said to them or that they've said to me. There's so many things I still wanted to say.. embraces I wanted to make. And I thought about people who've hurt me so much.. and wondered how they'd feel upon realizing that was the last thing they'd be able to say to me as well. What's interesting is I didn't even care about my "bucket list".. it was all about relationships.
All I know is tonight made me think really hard about what's important and what's just plain trivial. Every word I say to someone has so much more weight somehow.. because I may not see them again or they may not see me again.
I thank God for sparing me and everyone involved. It could have been so much worse...
Psalm 68:20 "God is a God of deliverance; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death."
Monday, November 14, 2011
P.S. and the student was...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
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