Friday, November 25, 2011

Change for the Best

Fall really is about change isn't it?

I have been losing friends left and right.. and honestly it's rather effortlessly. It wasn't a choice of my own, but just happened. Each situation has been different.. I lost one friend that I've known for 10 years, the other for 6 years, the other for 15 years, and this most recent one I've known since middle school. Sometimes I think I'm ok, realizing how I'm not constantly drained by these people or how it was probably a good thing that we parted ways.. but then sometimes the pain catches up with me and I start reminiscing about all the good times we've had..

But the truth of the matter is.. Just like in a relationship, people change with time. And sometimes you don't change or grow in the same direction as the other person and naturally drift apart, no longer seeing eye to eye. What's important to them is not what's important to you anymore. I guess it's called growing up :/ Some friendships truly are just for a season, and that's ok.. Because God has placed new people in my life, and rekindled flames of old friendships as well.

The word "pruning" keeps coming to mind.. He's definitely been pruning people out of my life that are total drains to me, have a negative influence, are distractions, or are just plain selfish people who don't have my best interest at heart. And no matter who they were in the past, that's not who they are now. It's time to say goodbye and to move forward..

So dear friends who have left my side and parted ways.. I do not hate you. I do not resent you. But rather, I thank you and wish you the best in life, that one day you find what you're looking for and find peace with God and yourselves.

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