Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my life is starting to feel like a sitcom

Today at work I heard a commotion so I went out into the hallway and people were packing up their things and hastily locking their doors. When I asked what was going on they said the police called and ordered us to evacuate the whole office and drive down south watt. Apparently it wasn't just our office but all the businesses in a certain mile radius. All we were told was that toxic chemicals were released into the air and we weren't safe and what direction to drive away from where the leak happened.

Well since it was a half hour till my shift was over I was told I could go home or to my next job. I had already decided to go home because I'm still feeling like crap from my concussion and need to sleep this off. Well home was straight towards wherever this thing was coming from.

I came up to a road block and there was the trailer that had spilled the toxins into the air. I eventually got around it and I felt like I was in a movie!!! Or like some biological warfare scheme lol At least there's never a dull moment and these incidents are keepin me on my toes

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