So I've been in Montana since Monday and it's been amazing... I don't know what it is, but the sky really is bigger here. Green is greener, blue is bluer... just gorgeous. I went out by myself today down to the river. It was a bit of a hike through the woods but I didn't run into any moose so that was good lol.. I felt like a little girl just tromping through the grass, balancing on fallen trees, picking daisies, and sitting by the river closing my eyes in the breeze. I felt Him so near and decided to linger a while there... I think I'll go back tomorrow. Having a lot of time to think also brings up a lot of things... It's like sometimes the pain of my past all culminates into one rock in my chest that burns with no relief, memories playing at random bursts just to torture me. I hate it and sometimes think I can't bare it, but at least I'm facing it. And I'm not carrying it alone.
I also went to a massage therapist. This guy is incredible. Because of my fall (concussion), I had two vertebrae out of place, my hips were off, my rib cage was too high and fanned out, and my stomach was too high (all from the shock to my body). So he adjusted and moved everything without any pain. I also had 3 muscles in spasm in my neck and he released those as well. It was a full body massage with oils and hot rocks. I was in HEAVEN... I'm so exhausted though. I get to go back on Monday for a follow up before we have to go back.
My little 2nd cousins have been following me around every second but I love it lol... I always wished I could have been an older sister and I love being around children, even if my patience runs thin now and again ;)
Anyway, I'll be posting a LOT of pictures in the next week or so. I'm pretty much the designated photographer for the trip and I'm mailing a cd of pictures to everyone after the reunion. So I've been taking a ton :)
here are some of my fav pics from the walk I took today. I was alone so I had to be kind of creative lol

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