Sunday, September 5, 2010

DAY 17

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

hmmm well maybe a few years ago I would have chosen a celebrity or sports star... just to know what it's like. but that doesn't interest me much anymore..

Then I thought about people I know in my life who have gotten things, experiences, etc. that I have yet to. And I thought it would be interesting to live a day in their shoes just to know how it feels. But just because the desires of their heart were given to them before mine, doesn't mean my "turn" isn't coming. So to switch a day with one of them would be like having a day that will already come in my own life, only early.

I think I would want to spend one day in utter poverty. Now bear with me, this isn't me trying to be uber spiritual or a super human. If i could spend one day in someone's shoes who is in poverty in a 3rd world country as the ethnicity of the country, I think it would be life changing. No, I wouldn't have a full understanding of what it would be like to live like that. But it would give me a big enough glimpse to change me and impact me in a new way. So often I find myself wrapped up in my standard of living and "the american way". Experiencing what it's like to be without first hand would be a worth-it experience in my eyes

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