Sanai - she is an amazing model!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
some of my photography
Sanai - she is an amazing model!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
so as mentioned a while ago, my dad had sent out 63 personalized letters with my resume to pastors all throughout the district... I'm already getting back numerous offers and inquiries. I wasn't expecting them so soon, and so many of them.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Not for long

It really is true that it gets worse before it gets better. It gets juuussttt a bit uglier before it turns beautiful. Like in a refining process, when all the impurities come to the top. It looks gross, but comes out spotless and pure. I'm in process right now. All of my impurities just keep coming up to the surface and I'm having a hard time viewing myself like God does. I just see a mess. But he sees the end result. When we're in the "pit" or in the dark night of change we tend to live in the moment of our present sufferings. It's only natural. But lately I have been reminded that God is not only sovereign. But He does all things well... And there is an end to this. He is faithful to see it through till completion. And I will look back and know the purpose to my pain. Then I will look to Him and thank Him for not sparing me from any trial. It's making me who I'm meant to be, sharing in the likeness of Christ (which includes his suffering), and that is worth it all.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Jesus I'm You're Bride

I wrote these lyrics months and months ago, and struggled with the music until I gave up and set it aside. But a couple weeks ago, God finished it for me, better than I ever could. When a song is fresh and very relevant to what I'm going through, I usually can't get through it without breaking down crying, which is the case right now. I can't wait to record this:
Jesus I’m Your Bride
We’ve been apart for so long
My heart sings you this song
No more running away
This was more than I can take
Unfaithful, I’ve broken Your heart
How could I let them tear us apart?
But now I'm here in my gown
Coming down the aisle to Your side
Jesus I’m Your bride
Only you can count every tear
In the dark when no one can hear
When my wounds won’t let me sleep
You’re healing waters run deep
Unfaithful, I’ve broken Your heart
How could I let them tear us apart?
But now I'm here in my gown
Coming down the aisle to Your side
Jesus I’m Your bride
Today I say my vows
Before a silent crowd
I am my beloved’s
And my beloved is mine.
bending under the weight of the storm

"I’m so distraught. That’s the only word I can use… It’s open dorms right now and there’s music and laughter that seems to be surrounding me. I put my head on my desk, tighten my hands into fists into my hair and try not to cry too loud.
I received words tonight that were so healing by an anointed man of God… words also that were convicting. I really am keeping people prisoner in my heart by unforgiveness. I’ve been so hurt… my wounds are still fresh. Even though God is healing them, it won’t be complete unless I can let go, let go of the words they’ve spoken over me. I’m loved. I’m accepted. I’m not an outsider... wow he put the perfect word to how I've been feeling and didn't even realize it. I feel like, in my family, I'm the one who "messed up". Even though I have fruits of a life in His will, and God has told me over and over he is pleased with my decisions and choices in ALL aspects of my life, I still feel like the outsider. And their slip ups from time to time don't help either...where they remind me of my past or tell me I've chosen wrong... really feels great. They love me beyond words, but sometimes fear for someone's well being can be overpowering and push them away even more.
God will heal and restore my family. He said there is division in my own life. Pieces. It makes sense cause I feel like I’m spilled on the floor into a million pieces and I can’t put myself back together. How could I if I don’t fully know myself yet? Only He can put them back together… As he gave us godly advice on praying together, honoring each other, respecting one another, doing things right before God, … there was a look in his eye.. a look that said so much more. As if he didn’t have a peace about us being together… the look in his eye discouraged me and Satan is using it to rob me of the amazing word I received tonight because I sought after it. Was I reading into his eyes too much?...
There is a war waging inside of me. I’m bending under the weight in the storm. I haven’t broken but the tension before the break is almost making me just want to…
I'm almost there... 4 weeks. That's all. Then the real world awaits me whether I'm ready or not."