Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Minister's Retreat 2014

Even though money is tight sometimes, I treated myself this year to minister's retreat in Monterey, and I'm so glad I did! I went with Char and Faby, and we had a blast!! The weather was perfect, and it was so nice to reconnect with other ministers in the district. 

Our main speaker was John Bevere, an amazing spirit-filled speaker and author. He had some tough/convicting things to share with us. I understand why some people would be a little put-off by his delivery (often very direct), but I truly do believe he was speaking from the heart of God. The topics ranged from the person of the Holy Spirit, taking care of our bodies, leadership principles, growing our faith for God to provide, and how to change our method but not our message in churches. 

I'm the type of person that will glean what I know is meant for me, and let the rest "fall away" so-to-speak. I don't like to get caught up in what was offensive or semantics that were technically wrong or not apart of our doctrine, etc. Because if you do that, you miss out on the bottom line message of what the Holy Spirit wants to say. I will admit, he is definitely not Assemblies of God, and he spoke on some things that we do not agree with, but there were some universal principles/truths I definitely agreed with and I know many of us needed to be reminded of.

I like how my pastor put it: "The truth will either set you free, or piss you off." And there were a lot of pissed off people haha.. If there are any fellow ministers reading this blog, I encourage you to not discount his and his wife's whole ministry based on your offenses. Take the good, leave the bad, and don't dwell in the negative. I walked away completely re-filled with His Spirit and challenged to lead a more empowered life. It's all in your perspective!

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