Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Principle

I've realized a theme that has been taught to me and that has become more and more real throughout my life. Sometimes it came in the form of trying to understand physical healing.. Sometimes it came in the form of letting go of a romantic interest because my heart knew deep down they weren't "the one".. And lately, it has come in the form of financial stability.. letting go of control and trusting God.

I don't understand the "why" when something/someone is taken from me. Often, there isn't a "why". But God uses it for our good.. The principle is to worship Him even though I don't understand His ways. I worshiped Him when I didn't understand why my knee wasn't healed in the way I had hoped. I worshiped Him when my heart was broken. And now I'm choosing to worship Him even when I don't see how I'm going to get day to day. I know He will provide for me. He has proven Himself over and over to me.. not that He needs to prove Himself to anyone. But He wants to show Himself as faithful to us, and He undoubtedly has. He has provided for me countless times even without my knowledge. He wouldn't lead me to a place just to leave me there.

Something has been "taken" from me yet again. But it wasn't mine to begin with. It's His. And if He decides to return it to me, so be it. If He doesn't, then I know He has something better in store. Either way, I'm choosing to worship Him no matter my circumstances. I choose joy. I choose peace. Satan will not rob me of what I know to be true... that life is beautiful.. even when it brings pain. I like to think of it in the analogy of incense. It has to first be crushed completely before the aroma can come out. The most beautiful blossoms come after the most fierce storm. All I know is, there is a new season right around the corner. So I welcome the pain if it means being closer to Him and becoming more like Him.

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