Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kara's 21st

Yesterday, my girl friends went to San Francisco for Kara's 21st. Apart from obnoxious, drunk fans that spilled drinks on us, elbowed us, stepped on us, and hit on us all game, it was fun haha. One guy even sat in my lap and I shoved him off of me. Seriously? Who does that to a stranger?? I know that the park makes a killing by selling alcohol, but at what price? People were getting ejected in the first inning! It makes it really hard to enjoy a game when there's rows of drunk people getting up and being distracting (example: another birthday girl flashing the crowd for attention) while you're trying to watch the game. Where's the class, giants fans? Come on now!

Ok, I'm done with my rant. It was really nice to be back where I was born.. almost therapeutic. I miss San Francisco :( Makes me think of the song by Tony Bennet, "I left my heart in San Francisco"..

Here are some pics:

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