Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cleaning House

I totally forgot how much of a pack rat I am ugh :/

Packing my life up is like goin down memory lane stumbling upon all the notes and trinkets I've tucked away for safe keeping. It's funny how I think I'll need something down the road and NEVER end up using it. But some of those things are kept for sentimental value..

It's kinda like stumbling upon an old song in your itunes that you just couldn't get rid of for some reason..

Problem is some of those things can take root if held onto for too long.. and haunt you and hold you back from moving forward.

This is why I'm saving under my bed to sort through for last because that's where our photo album is. That's where the Cal Bears tickets are. That's where the necklace and ring is..

Time to "clean house", symbolically and literally.

My trash is pretty full.
Good bye sweet love..


  1. Getting rid of that stuff won't get any easier over time. It's better to just rip the band-aid off quickly than to take your time with it.

  2. true but if you get rid of things before you're ready it's even more detrimental.
