I apologize to anyone who regularly checks my blog. SO much has been happening, and I haven't really had time to update it.
As many of you may know, I have struggled the past couple of years financially. I have tried to remain faithful in the little with my job and responsibilities. Sure enough, somehow, I make ends meet. But I was never saving any money and was barely making any dents in my school loans..
Well a position opened up in my department which is monumentally more difficult than the one I currently have been working in the past 2 years. When I saw the email about the vacancy, I just stared at the screen almost paralyzed. There was an inner war happening.. “Go for it!” “Wait, no, are you crazy?” “God’s prepared you for this.” “It’s too hard, you’ll mess up!” Until my inner dialogue was interrupted by a coworker’s text saying “You should apply for the position.” Was that confirmation or coincidence? So I mulled it over throughout the day, and 2 more coworkers came up to me and told me they felt I would be perfect for the position. So that night, I decided to revamp my resume and go for it! It would mean complete financial freedom: no more debt, no more pinching pennies for groceries, and actually saving for my future.
So I submitted my resume the very next day. I didn't tell too many people because it would mean more embarrassment if I ended up not being chosen. I found out there were over 12 applicants I was up against… But the whole time I had this peace that God has prepared me for this. I wasn't being challenged anymore in my old position, and I knew this position had the room to grow into it and be stretched and challenged. 2 years ago, the thought of it would have terrified me, but I've had to go through a lot of things to “toughen my skin” that made me feel more confident in my abilities. Ultimately, I had to surrender it to God. I trusted that whatever decision my boss made would be coming from God because he was also praying for God’s will. The interview went really well, and I let it go.
Well, I got the job! When he told me, I burst into tears I was so happy. He chuckled and asked if I was crying from happiness or fear and I said both lol.. Nothing is worth conquering if you’re not afraid of it. That way, when you succeed, the glory goes to the one who strengthened you. In my case, the glory goes to Him. I already did 2 weeks of training and had my first week by myself last week. Nothing has been blown up yet, so I’m good so far ;)
This is Lorrie, the one I replaced. She resigned and is on to new adventures! I cried when she left because she is such a dear friend. But I'm excited for her and this new season.
My parents surprised me with flowers when I got the job :)
In other news, my landlord got a divorce and gave us our 30 day notice because she wants to move back in… So now I have to try and find another house in elk grove for the same price or less that ISN’T in a ghetto neighborhood by November 5th. The way we see it, God has proven himself faithful in all 3 of our lives up until now, so we know he’ll guide and direct us when it comes to this house. But my personality doesn't like these situations. I like to know what’s coming next. I hate it when things are up in the air… and I HATE MOVING!!! It’s such a drag… But let’s just say we’re happy to be moving out of there for reasons that have nothing to do with the house itself. So it’ all works out!
I few weeks ago, I got to go on minister’s retreat in Monterey. It was so nice to have a change of scenery. Here are some pics:

Also, I passed my ordination test! That thing was a BEAST… but I did well, and that’s hopefully the last test I’ll take in my life! Now, all that’s left is the interview that has to happen before Thanksgiving. That one will be pretty nerve racking.. But I know God called me, so he’ll go before me.
And my aunt who has struggled with stage 4 lung and breast cancer passed away last week. I was very close to her, and my heart is aching. She has many children and grandchildren that are grieving her loss... I'm not mad at God. I'm not even asking "why".. I'll never understand why some people get healed and others don't. All I know is, God is still a loving/faithful God. Sometimes, it's just a person's time... no matter how much faith they have. I'm just glad that she is resting in His presence free of pain. She has left behind such a legacy for her kids and grandkids. Her love lives still in their hearts.