Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just Because

So I'm going to update this just for the sake of updating it!

Hmm let's see.. I haven't seen Marc all week and miss him a LOT! I'm looking forward to spending time with him and his family in Stockton this weekend.

I'm finally able to put my contact in the first time! It usually was about a 20 minute struggle.. I only use one for my right eye for astigmatism. But now I'm used to it, and it's so nice not dealing with that awful headache every day!

I think I'm in danger of becoming more addicted to Instagram than I am to facebook @_@ You can follow me at "riajewel"!

I'm excited to celebrate Kara's birthday in San Francisco watching the Giants game next Wednesday! Should be fun :) I've missed San Francisco so much..

I'm kind of getting tired of doctors.. I have appointments with two specialists next week *sigh* but on the bright side, at least I'm finally taking care of things. That's mainly because of Marc noticing things I deal with on a daily basis and telling me to go take care of myself! He's such an amazing support. He doesn't make me feel silly and over dramatic on my bad days, but rather validates me and has compassion for what I'm going through. It's nice to have someone care that much about you.. I seriously HATE it when people fuss over me, health-wise. I'm the type that wants to put on a strong face and not let on that anything is wrong. But when it comes to Marc, I realized I had something in me deep down that longed to be taken care of by a man. It's definitely new for me, and I will never take that for granted!

I've finally started going to the gym with Tycee! Going again tomorrow.. It's painful, but I'm looking ahead towards the pay off! I really need to drop at least 10 pounds, hopefully 15. It's nice to have someone to work out with to keep me motivated!

Aannnnddd I think that's it for now :)

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