I will be addressing a topic many people are skeptical of. This is prophecy or prophetic words for the edification of the church.
Recently, I have been hanging on by a literal thread, going day to day starving for a supernatural intervention. I kept hearing from everyone around me that "everything will be ok, God loves you, a new season is coming" etc. and I accepted that and took it to heart. I know that he speaks to us through other people, but sometimes your soul needs something that is unmistakenly from Him. I needed someone to speak over my life that didn't know me or my present sufferings. That way, I would know they were speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit. Last night I was in my room crying out to God. I was starting to not like myself so much, not just physically, but how I always seemed to cut my time short with God. If I can get so hurt when Marty has to cut his time short with me, what am I doing to God when time and time again I tell him I'll meet with him and I "ditch" him or cut it short? I started to kick myself. Also, I've been in a "dark night" for years. It's been a horrendous sequence of trials and pain. I only have survived through His grace. I've been continuing to minister to others, going to school, and working, just trusting God and believing in His promises. It's so hard to trust when you don't see anything happening, when you feel like the end of the tunnel is so far down the road, when you don't even have enough strength to get through the day, let alone another year of weeping to Him and crying out for breakthrough. Well... last night was the night he intervened. He showed me that he saw my countless nights of tears. He saw all the pain I've been going through with many physical problems and how I suffer silently and have been trusting him for his healing. He saw the stress and anxiety and weight I've been under that has absolutely gripped me. He saw. He sees me.
I have a friend from high school that I never really spoke to. He has no clue what I'm going through. We are friends on facebook and not even 20 minutes after I was crying out to God, I received a message on facebook. It read:
I feel the lord speaking over you: " My precious daughter you have been in a season of longing and panting for my presence in a new "glory" in a new light. My daughter assuredly I have heard your cry come before my throne and I have bottled up all of your tears. I have heard your prayers of "when Lord, when?" But I would say unto you get ready my daughter for there is getting ready to come a paradigm shift upon your life. There is going to be birthed inside of you a new hope for yourself and out of that hope will be birthed a dream! And you will know your purpose in this life, you will know what I am calling you to do, where I am calling you to go. You have said " Lord i just want to be used, and I say unto you my daughter surely I am using you now and will continue to do so, you are coming into a season where you will walk in a new realm of glory, a new power and a new anointing. Do you not know my daughter, that the very anointing that my son Jesus possessed is in your possesion?? Have confidence in who you are and whose you are! For surely I would say to you i do not see you the way you see yourself! When I see you I see my son in you! I am drawn to you by his light that you allow to shine forth in your surrounding atmospheres.
You know above I believe that this is what the lord is speaking over your life in this season. I was just told to write and he would speak lol. I pray that you are encouraged and empowered by the voice of your maker, cause truly he does not see you how you see yourself! He made you in the beginning and called you a VERY GOOD THING. He was very pleased with what he made. I just really feel a shift is getting ready to take place in your life. I can feel also a new love between you and marty coming, God has truly given you and Marty such a pure love of the fathers heart for each other. I just want to encourage you sis to feed your inner man the food that it needs to thrive, fill yourself with his Holy Word, if you have to get on your face and let the father love on you, do it! If all you can do is go before god and cry out "Abba Father" Do it!! He is going to heal you thoroughly in this season I believe, there has been alot of anxiety I feel and stress and worry but take part no longer in any of these things for surely you have been adopted into another family and you now have a Heavenly father that guides, governs and provides for you! Just ask and it will be given. live above your current circumstance and may your eyes be enlightened to the beauty he sees you with.
In His Service
You know above I believe that this is what the lord is speaking over your life in this season. I was just told to write and he would speak lol. I pray that you are encouraged and empowered by the voice of your maker, cause truly he does not see you how you see yourself! He made you in the beginning and called you a VERY GOOD THING. He was very pleased with what he made. I just really feel a shift is getting ready to take place in your life. I can feel also a new love between you and marty coming, God has truly given you and Marty such a pure love of the fathers heart for each other. I just want to encourage you sis to feed your inner man the food that it needs to thrive, fill yourself with his Holy Word, if you have to get on your face and let the father love on you, do it! If all you can do is go before god and cry out "Abba Father" Do it!! He is going to heal you thoroughly in this season I believe, there has been alot of anxiety I feel and stress and worry but take part no longer in any of these things for surely you have been adopted into another family and you now have a Heavenly father that guides, governs and provides for you! Just ask and it will be given. live above your current circumstance and may your eyes be enlightened to the beauty he sees you with.
In His Service
I was weeping uncontrollably. I felt tears come from the depths that I had never allowed myself to cry before. I felt a wave of His spirit over me and an incredible peace and love. He prompted someone I barely knew to speak to me cause he saw how desperate I was. Oh prayers do not go up to God in vain! He listens, and even though his answers come awfully late, the wait is so precious! The wait makes the answer and the point of rescue all the more magnificent. Because of someone's obedience to the Holy Spirit, I had a pivotal point in my spiritual walk last night. Every single word was healing to my spirit. I haven't truly smiled like that in.... I can't remember when.. All in one night my hunger for his presence and his word was so much increased. My self image was transformed. And last night was the first night I slept without fear, without anxiety, and without depression. I went right to sleep in the arms of my Father. He broke through my night and I can see my sunrise coming.
I posted this not to share what God did for me, but what he says and sings over all of us. I know as a fact there are many people (not just women), who need to hear this. These words are for everyone. Take heart. If you haven't had that answer, that breakthrough, that healing yet. it's coming! A new season is coming and he has not forgotten you! He counts every tear and loves you so passionately.
I pray this will touch at least one person who reads it.
Our God is so great!